Custom Same Day Delivery Canopy Systems Designed for cross country use at multiple locations.
Over a 3 year period to create the infrastructure for the same day delivery services, a program was created to begin working on beta test canopies that would be added to existing warehouses and allow for a specialized area that same day delivery drivers would use to quickly and safely address the pick up and loading of parcels from the warehouse. This program covered multiple sites, in over 20 states and challenged our engineering department for a country wide system design that could meet the seismic, snow and wind loading conditions across the country.

Designing structural systems that can be built in Georgia or Florida or California or Minnesota is difficult but possible. Signature designed four different models of canopies that would work for any geographic location (that were assigned) across the US, without major design changes or steel differences. We designed and engineered systems that could be outfitted with ramps and walkways, lights, sprinkles, gutters and the infrastructure to allow for same day pick up and deliveries at warehouses across the country. We teamed with a variety of industry leaders to outfit the units as required. The systems were designed with both modularity and construction efficiency in mind. In all, dozens and dozens have been built across the country in over 20 states and meet the expectations and need of the SSD programs.

The systems ranged from in size from 16’ to 28’ in width (not including some more unique one offs that were over 100’wide) and varied in lengths from 48’, to over 178’. Based on the warehousing configuration and most efficient set to accommodate the same day delivery drivers, we offered a set of modular parameters that allowed our customers to pre-design their systems with our templates. This allowed the program to maximize efficiencies from raw material procurement through the economical construction process.
Check out our Industrial Structure Projects or contact one of our experts for assistance with Custom Same Day Delivery Canopy Systems.
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